My Approach: "Beauty in growth"
"I don't believe therapy helps 'fix' or 'change' people: it helps us un-become years of conditioning and let go of those parts of us we developed in order survive. It helps us shed the ego and heal trauma in order to thrive. Therapy is an opportunity to learn who we are, re-become ourselves, and live an authentic and joyful life"
When we arrive as students, patients or clients it's sometimes easy to feel 'broken, stupid or less than' –not here though. Here we arrive as equals, with different experiences and different tools to help each other better understand the world around us. We work together to dissect, neutralize and transmute even the most painful of experiences into beautiful opportunities for growth...

Each of us are brought here to learn

they call us "the wounded healers"
Today I hold space as an accoladed Psychotherapist who helps move others through painful lessons and see themselves in higher (truer) lights that serve their greatest potentials.
Clients who come to me share stories and experiences of struggling to move through trauma, grief, depression, addiction, abuse and various forms of self-harm. I have spent years working with marginalized youth, women and victims of abuse –all of whom share the same light, buried under circumstances largely beyond their control. This doesn't need to keep being their story.
My life purpose is to better understand and help guide others through their darkest hours, so they can rediscover their light, their strength and write their next greatest chapter.
but our stories are still being written
The most empowering part of what I get to do is work with others who truly have the capacity and willingness to change.
The space I hold for others is a space where personal histories, rituals and ceremonies are honoured and transmuted. We look beyond the past and forge new horizons based on the versions of ourselves we want to be: not the ones we were told we had to be.
I witness the greatest transformation in clients who come to me with curiosity and an open mind. We merge elements of their experiences with integrative therapies to help stimulate new neural pathways, widen their horizons and untangle years of 'mixed signals' so they can return home to who they truly were all along.

Everything I have come here to experience
has helped guide the way for others
Credentials and Experience
- BA in psychology, with a minor in biology
- BSW (Bachelor of Social Work)
- MSW ​(Masters of Social Work)
- Enrolled in and completing my Phd & Doctorate in Integrative Medicine through Quantum University
Specializations and Certifications:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
- Brainspotting for Trauma
- Usui Reiki Master
- Karuna Reiki Level One

current areas of focus
This is where we mention that you are focused on living a healthy and grounded life. plant medicine, psychotropics, etc.
This is a nice place to talk about how Eden is your therapy dog in training too, since we wanted to find a way to include the picture. The rest is up to you as to what you feel is important to include. It might be nice to talk about how you're currently being invited as a guest speaker/host at retreats and looking forward to holding more space like this in coming chapters (Universal future speak).
[Put a lead here, like 'contact me' for opportunities to host retreats]